Summer PJs

I bought this fabric on a whim a few summers ago. However no matter what I thought about making it up as, I always worried that it would look a bit like pyjamas on me. So I embraced the PJ vibe and made a pair of summer pyjamas, since I was sorely lacking these!

New summer pjs

These photos are literally straight out of bed (complete with unbrushed hair). These pyjamas are definitely a comfy set to sleep in.

I made 2 pairs of winter pjs last year and they have been one of the most satisfying (and most worn!) things I have made. I still get a kick out of seeing them. I hope the summer ones will be the same.

I decided to make the Bantam vest out of the Merchant and Mills pattern book. My Mum gave it to me as a Christmas present a few years ago. I remember looking at it and thinking I would never be bothered tracing off patterns. Look how easy the pattern sheet is! 😂

Merchant and Mills pattern sheet

The pattern review is for the vest only. My thoughts on the pants pattern are here and the only changes I made was to change the order of construction and to leave off the tie on the waistband.

Summer pjs

Pattern Review:

Description: A woven vest with bias binding finish.

Sizing: size 8 -18. Based on the finished measurements I sewed the 14

Did it look like the envelope drawing? Yes

Were the instructions easy to follow? Yes, very well described instructions.

Likes/dislikes: no real likes or dislikes, I feel a bit meh about it actually and I can’t put my finger on why.

Fabrics used: A cotton, with a bit of stretch bought a wee while ago now. And some gingham scraps for the binding.

Alterations/design changes? None – made as is. If I made it again I might shorten it a bit and maybe add a bust dart to deal with the slight arm hole gape.

Would I sew again? hmm…nothing wrong with this pattern but I don’t think it is the TNT woven tank I am looking for.

Things I learnt:

I haven’t done many bias binding finishes in my sewing, and I haven’t made bias binding before. It is a bit fiddly and I can see why that little tool would be useful if you did it a lot.

I also experimented with using a different foot for edge stitching the bias binding and understitching the pockets. Normally I just use the standard zig zag foot for nearly everything! I tried out this foot:

New foot

 and it did make things a lot easier. I really need to investigate the feet that came with the sewing machine as look how neatly those areas turned out.

Summer pjs

How this fits in as a Kibbe Soft Natural:

The fabric pattern is most definitely not a soft natural design, and I think this may have been why it has sat in the stash for so long. Instinctively I knew it wouldn’t suit me, I think making pyjamas out of it is a good solution – I still get to wear it and enjoy the design and it doesn’t matter if it is not my best look.

And the PJ pattern – well comfort trumps any other considerations!

Summer pjs

3 Comments Add yours

  1. SewRuthieStyle says:

    Great idea, I’m a Natural and have some floral cotton fabric I bought for someone else but wasn’t needed it would be great for summer Pjs though.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You should go for it! It’s something you get so much wear out of as well 🙂


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